There is a "next level" that everyone possesses in everything they do! As I sit back and peck at this keyboard trying to figure out what to blog about on this rainy off day, that is the thought that keeps running through my mind! How do I and others achieve the "next level?" "Next level" is obviously relative to where you are but regardless of where you are, achieving the "next level" takes a lot of growth! Whether you are fun fishing or fishing competitively it is YOU vs. THE FISH and it's almost entirely a mental battle! Being that it's mostly a mental battle, almost all the growth that will occur will be with your mental game! Today I wanted to break down the three most important weapons when I am out on the water (none are equipment)!

#1 Confidence- There is a next level you achieve when your approach goes from "I hope we catch them" to "I know we are going to catch them! It just depends on when, where and how!" As a young guide I use to get butterflies and nervous when I would take people out. I wasn't fully confident in my ability as a fisherman and as a teacher of the craft. I would always second guess my decisions! But one day I realized something... I am on the water 4 to 6 days a week, we always catch them pretty good and I just need to relax and know it's going to happen! I had to let God's timing for our day take root! You see, optimism is the faith that leads to achievement! I know we can use a select few baits and catch fish year round, the confidence in knowing you can always catch fish will free you up to try and hit a homerun more often!

#2 Perseverance- I love watching the 2003 Bassmaster Classic when Mike Iaconelli is screaming and crying "NEVER GIVE UP!!!" Or the next year in 2004 Takahiro Omori caught three giants in his last 3 casts to win the Classic right here in North Carolina! I can not tell you how many days and trips I have had when the best technique was just persevering! Galatians 6:9 says "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up." Sometimes you just have to put your head down and grind! Your hard work will be blessed, just hold on for a little longer! These are some persevering pictures! Each one of these fish or bags were strung together in the final hour or even minutes of the days!

#3 Passion- Passion breeds success! The more passionate you are about something the better chance you have at achieving something great with it. I notice a lot of people want the glory, achievements and the accolades but they are not passionate enough to stuggle for it. Proverbs 18 says your gift will make room for you! Believe that, pursue it and share your passion!
I really do hope and pray that this helps you put more fish in the boat! If you are looking for an awesome experience while fishing Lake Glenville, Lake Chatuge, Fontana Lake or Bear Creek Lake we would love to guide you to your Dream Catch! Visit or call us @ 443-534-4900