Friday, October 6, 2017

The Importance of Buying Local.

Buying Local: Why You Should Do It. 

             In almost any state you go in the US, you will more than likely find some ponds, lakes, or even the shore of the ocean. And where there is water, there is bound to be a bait and tackle shop. Spread out across our country are thousands of fishing stores ranging from a mom and pop bait store, to the larger scale shop with a large variety of tackle such as Dream Catcher's. They are run by all kinds of different people with different backgrounds that all share the same passion... FISHING! Sadly enough, more and more of these stores are disappearing as the years go by, leaving only big corporate companies left to buy tackle from anymore. Being a local business ourselves, we know the struggle of going up against the big businesses in trying to win over customers. Below are three reasons why we believe buying local is the way to go!

Number 1. Price. 
Of course when you have different businesses going head to head to try and win over the consumer, prices are going to be one of the biggest selling points. (Hah, get it!) Usually local businesses will have lower prices on certain items than a big corporate business. Local businesses will also always have great sales where the consumer can really get a great deal for an even better price! Here at Dream Catcher's, we are dedicated to making sure our customers are not cheated out of any opportunities when it comes to our products. 
Number 2. Knowledge.  
One major thing that a lot of buyers miss out on when they don't buy locally is the knowledge that can be passed on to them. Especially in the fishing industry, most local shop owners will have an extensive knowledge on the fisheries in and around their communities. They more than likely have grown up fishing the same exact lakes, rivers, and creeks that you are just now trying out! They can point out which lures are hot at the moment, and which ones to stay away from at times.That's something you can't get from the supermarket!
Number 3. Opportunity.
All businesses, no matter how large, have started somewhere. Somebody had a dream, and made that dream a reality where now there business has grown more than they could've ever imagined. When you support a local tackle shop, or any local business for that matter, you are directly helping that business and the owner's dream become more and more successful. Buying local not only helps the buyer save money, but it also helps newer entrepreneurs get a step up in the competitive market. Once, for example, that little tackle shop becomes more and more successful, it will be able to get higher quality products for the customer to buy for a better price. 
Dream Catcher's Fishing Supply has been blessed with amazing customers that have tremendously supported us. We  strive to become a well managed business that offers only the best to our great customers. Please, if you are looking to find a place to buy tackle, make connections, and expand your fishing knowledge, consider shopping locally. The impact will positively affect everyone as a whole!

              Come visit us! at Dream Catcher's Fishing Supply at 21                                  Steeple Rd. Sylva NC 28779!

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